Does the DM need a little help or inspiration? Roll the dice and take their advice! (or don't)
The DM's Advice Dice are a fun way to add variety, spark ideas, or just plain let the DM take a breather in your favorite RPG! Can't quite think? Stuck in a rut? Players getting complacent? Roll the dice, consider the results, and incorporate into your game!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Shipping is All Caught Up!
about 4 years ago
– Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 07:42:51 AM
All There Is To Do Now Is Wait!
Here's a quick update to let you know that shipping is all caught up!In the last update, I told you all I expected to have everything (except remaining collector's boxes, more on that in a moment) shipped by the first week of February, but I'm happy to say it's already done! At this moment, virtually every reward has been mailed and is on its way. Pre-orders have also shipped. All there is to do now is wait for delivery!
How long will that take? If you don't have your reward yet:
If you are in the USA or Canada, your reward might need a week or two for delivery. (If you are in the USA you will also get a USPS tracking number from BackerKit.)
If you are International, delivery will take the longest - from 4 to 12 weeks. However, every package is correctly documented with accurate customs information, so delays from customs should be minimal.
For the people who pledged for a Collector's Box and don't have theirs yet, more on that below.
A Special Note About Collector's Boxes
As I mentioned in the last update, I am still working on the final number of Collector's Boxes, and will ship them when done. I currently expect this to happen around the end of February.
The Collector's Boxes are very special to me, I designed them from scratch and make each one all by myself in my workshop. To those of you who pledged for one (and don't have it yet): I hope you are as delighted when you open it up as I was to make it for you. Every single Collector's Box has a hidden feature, which I look forward to you discovering! All there is to do is wait a little longer.
Side Note: When To Call Something Done?
This part is only for people interested in some behind-the-scenes details about the Kickstarter campaign itself. I'm going to talk about what "done" means.
Even when a campaign and shipping is "done", the job is rarely actually 100%done. This is because there are always edge cases; things that fell through the cracks.
How many? About 2-3%, which means for this campaign it was about 20 people. This is the number of backers who never responded to the backer survey, which means I don't have shipping addresses for them. I will be handling these on a case-by-case basis. That's not even counting other issues that could crop up; that's just the number of people who pledged and never responded.
This means that even a campaign that is "done" is rarely actually 100% done, because it's such a long process to weed out those final elements. If you're planning a Kickstarter campaign of your own, it's probably worth thinking ahead of time about how to handle these edge cases, because they are guaranteed to happen.
Shipping Continues, Backlog Dwindles!
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Jan 05, 2021 at 11:35:33 PM
Dice continue to go into the mail regularly, and the backlog won't last much longer! I expect to have every dice set on their way by the first week of February. Happy New Year, everyone! Your rewards are either shipped, or will be soon!
Once packages are in the mail, it takes about a week or two to be delivered in the USA and Canada. International shipments can take up to a month or two to be delivered once they are mailed, so please be patient as the system chugs along.
For the people who haven't gotten their Collector's Boxes yet, a bit more time is needed. (More on that below.)
Remaining Collector's Boxes Need a Bit More Time
There is only one exception to the shipping ETA above: anyone who hasn't gotten their Collector's Box yet. These need a bit more time, because of a problem over the holidays that caused a delay. The good news is that it's solved! The slightly bad news is that it willtake until mid- or late-February to finish the last Collector's Boxes. Thank you for your trust and patience on this, it's almost done.
In Short: Full Steam Ahead!
When you receive your rewards (if you haven't already) I am certain you will be pleased with what you receive! Thanks for being with me on this journey!
Wanted To Give The Dice as a Gift This Holiday Season? Read This!
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 06:49:50 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Shipping Continues, Will be Done in the New Year
about 4 years ago
– Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 10:24:06 PM
Shipping Going Smoothly
This update has no new information, but that's good! Shipping continues, although there have been setbacks (COVID-19 related shutdowns slowing things down, for example.)
I don't mind telling you all, I have fulfilled mail order stuff before and thought I had a pretty good handle on shipping in general, but there is always more, more, more to learn. Happily, all the kinks are worked out so it's just a matter of time now.
Shipping Will Continue Into New Year
Shipping will go on during the holiday season and into the new year, I'll keep you all updated.
FYI, the packages are from 'AE INNOVATIONS'. If you see that, that's me!
If Your Address Changes
As long as your order has not shipped, you can update your shipping address by going here and providing the email address you use here on Kickstarter (or you can just look in your past email and re-visit the URL BackerKit sent you for your survey/pledge manager.) You can also follow that link to see your current address if you want to check that all is correct.
As long as your pledge has not yet been processed and shipped, the address can be changed.
Have a Few Pictures
Boxes, boxes, and more boxes! (addresses have been blurred out) A large IKEA bag can hold exactly 60 of these. Neat.
Dice, dice, and more dice!
Here's the final packaging (dice are in a stapled plastic bag, it's not shown because it's hard to photograph)
Have a Good and Safe Holiday Season!
The First of Many Batches Are Shipping!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 11:46:59 PM
Happy news! The kinks are worked out and the first bunch of packages are on their way!
There are many more to go, but here is a picture of the very first batch to head out the door:
I find the packaging and shipping process quite calming, to be honest. Something about the precise steps, and the benefits of documenting and following a clear process. But I'll feel even better the more boxes I send on their way.
Here is a brief Q&A since I know you are excited and full of questions!
When Will My Package Ship?
If you get a notice about locking your address from BackerKit, then your order's turn is coming up soon! I am trying to ship packages in (roughly) the same order that pledges were made, but this isn't a guarantee and might have to change (because the shipping tools don't make this easy, and it is also not always the fastest way to get boxes out the door.)
How Long DoesShipping Take?
Canada and the USA will be the fastest (normally about 2-3 weeks) but expect delays due to the holiday season. Packages mailed to the USA will have a tracking number, and BackerKit will send this to you when your order ships.
International destinations will take much longer, perhaps as much as 4-10 weeks, so please be patient. (Note: proper customs information and values are on all packages, so customs should not be a significant delay.)
Will Orders Arrive Before The New Year?
Some will, but many -- maybe even most -- will probably not. I am shipping as fast as I can, but I am only one person with a lot of boxes to process. Also, once they go out the door it's in the hands of the carriers and they have delays, customs, COVID-19 fallout, and holiday rushes to deal with. It's not the best year to be shipping things, but all of us are doing our best.
The First 10 Collector's Boxes Are On Their Way
Soon those of you who ordered from the first batch of Collector's Boxes will see what I created. Each one has a unique serial number (they are a limited edition, after all) but it's hidden, and not obvious to find. The remaining Collector's Boxes are being built while I process orders, and will ship out as I complete them. Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed designing them!